August 2020 -

Month: August 2020

  • On April 26, on the occasion of the Conde de Godó tennis tournament, I was invited to participate in the Radio 4 program «Anem de tard». In the program, we talk about sports diet and the importance of diet in sports performance. Here is the interview in podcast format in Catalan and below you can […]

  • It is very common that people who come to our nutrition consultation or make nutrition visits online come with a series of doubts and preconceived ideas about questions related to diet. These ideas often have to do with eating myths or unfounded beliefs. And the thing is that when it comes to food we tend […]

  • “ I have anxiety about eating» or « Night comes and I eat because of anxiety» are two very common expressions that, without statistics in hand but with experience ahead, they can be one of the most listened to in consultation. They are especially so in those people who want to lose weight and who […]

  • menú para la mujer menopáusica

    When women stop menstruating permanently there are many changes derived from this new hormonal situation. Many of the consequences of this change have nutritional repercussions, so I want to talk about the diet to follow during menopause . Mood and insomnia during menopause It is common to suffer emotional distress during this period of a […]